The Power of Family Camps

Why not combine a family holiday with the fun of camp? Check out some of the reasons why our Family Camps are a great way to bring the family together.


As our ministry has grown and expanded over the years, we’ve taken every opportunity to create camp experiences for as many people as possible. A big part of that is the several Family Camps that run every year. But what exactly does camp with the whole family look like?

In short, these camps exist to give families to opportunities to bond, enjoy the fun of camp together, and create lifelong memories. Continue reading as we dive into what makes family camp so special – and why your family should sign up ASAP!

To ask any questions about our upcoming Family Camp programs, contact CYC Ministries today.

Bring the Family Together

Between school, work, extracurricular activities, and everything in between, it can be hard to set aside quality time with the family.

That’s what Family Camps are all about!

Our goal is to help families grow together, make memories, and (most of all) have fun. Getting outdoors and sharing new experiences can help bring the family closer together, giving you not only a holiday but also an opportunity to build into the relationships that matter most. These camp programs are designed to bring families together, with plenty of chances to recharge and take a breath of fresh air amongst the busyness of family life.

Engaging for All Ages

Babies, kids, teens, parents… Family Camp is for everyone! While much of the program will allow the whole family to participate in games, activities, and sessions together, we also have specific streams designed to engage individual age groups.

Each stream (creche, kids, and teens) will be led by some of our amazing volunteer leaders, who will run sessions jam-packed full of fun. Parents, meanwhile, will have time of their own to grab a coffee and engage in content without the kids around. Everyone will get to make friends their own age and enjoy the range of programming available.

Christian Input

Every single CYC Ministry’s program is centred around our Christian faith. We believe that camp is a perfect opportunity to help people of all ages learn about God, explore their own beliefs, and ask questions about life and faith. Family Camps are no exception!

Our camps are carefully designed to engage the entire family with age-appropriate Christian input. With an incredible guest speaker and time spent split into different age groups, there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to explore their faith. No matter your family’s background, camp is a safe space to hear from our speakers and discuss faith as a family unit.

Take Time to Reflect

Keeping your family running can be challenging, stressful, and even exhausting at times. The busyness can sometimes take over your day-to-day life, leaving very little time to give yourself a proper break.

Part of the sessions that you will get to participate in will involve gathering with the other adults to reflect on your family life. With content about life, faith, and parenting, you will get an opportunity to step back and collect your thoughts. With the crazy hustle of everyday life when you have kids, sometimes all you need is a chance to recharge and have the space to think about who you are personally and as a parent.

Your Next Holiday is Sorted!

Alright, we need to state the obvious: coming on Family Camp takes all the stress out of your next family holiday.

Everything is sorted! You don’t need to worry about activities, entertainment for the kids, accommodation, meals, or anything else. You can let our team take care of it all, with incredible activities and sessions to create a fun time away for all ages. Too many parents associate family holidays with stress and months of planning – fun as they might end up for the kids, they don’t necessarily give you the chance to rest in the same way. Family Camps are action-packed with fun, but balanced with downtime and the peace of mind that everything is taken care of.

Apply for Family Camp Today

All in all, Family Camps are a pretty amazing deal. That’s probably why they tend to book out pretty far in advance here at CYC.

If you think your family could benefit from experiencing the magic of camp together, then jump on it! We open our Family Camp registrations early each year, meaning that there is likely to be an upcoming camp program you could check out. Click the link below to check out our Family Camp availabilities to give your family a chance to rest, rejuvenate, and bond.

Check out our upcoming family camps here

And don't forget you can check out more great STORIES FROM CAMP at our blog here