Holiday Camps Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of questions that we've been asked about our Holiday Camps below, but if you have further questions, please feel free to ask...

Campers on camp
What does a typical day at camp look like?Do you have to be a Christian or go to church to come on camp?/a>
What is the Christian input on the camp like?
What expectations do you have of campers whilst on camp?
Can my child be in the same room as their friends?
What if my child doesn't know anybody else on camp?
Are you equipped to have children with disabilities on camp?
Why do you require camp to be tech free?
What should I bring to camp?
Can I visit or stay with my camper on camp?
Leadership and superversion on camp
Who are the Leaders on camp?What supervision is provided during camp?
Do Leaders stay in the cabins with the campers?
Refunds and Cancellations
What happens if I need to change/cancel my booking?What if my child is sick and can't attend?
Holiday Camps Frequently Asked Questions
What does a typical day of camp look like?
Each of our Holiday Camp programs offers both some unique elements (often based on the best bits of their campsite!), as well as some elements of camp that are relatively consistent across all of our Holiday Camps
Each big day of camp starts with breakfast, providing lots of fuel for a busy day. We then go into a time of Christian input, which typically will include some songs and a brief talk by our camp speaker. The campers then participate in discussions in their cabin groups around what has been shared and have morning tea.
The whole camp then goes into an epic camp activity. This normally involves a game or the use of our incredible site facilities like the giant swing or flying fox, depending on the site. This is followed by lunch.
After lunch, the camp enjoys a large-scale activity that normally encourages teamwork and competition. Afternoon tea is then provided and followed by a period of structured free time. During this time, campers can either utilise site activities, use the sports facilities or relax playing board games.
Following dinner, we jump into another game and then an evening time together where one of our leaders will share a bit of their story.
After a day this packed, the campers are always relieved to head to bed, and ready to do it all again tomorrow!
Do you have to be a Christian or go to church to come on camp?
Being ‘Christian Youth Camps’, this is one of the most common questions we are asked about Holiday Camps. We have a wide variety of children who come to our camps, and these range from campers who are part of a local church or youth group, to campers who have little or no background in faith.
Campers are not required to come from a particular denomination or have any affiliation with a church to come to camp. Many children come because they are invited by friends, come to one of the campsites on a school camp, or stumble across this website!
Having said this, it is important that all Campers are aware that age-appropriate interactive Bible-based sessions are held each day as an integral part of camp. They are Christian camps, but you don’t have to be a Christian or go to church to attend. .
What does the Christian input on the camp look like?
All CYC Ministries Holiday Camps include age-appropriate Bible-based sessions each day. These would generally include a time of singing, a short message from the camp speaker, a game or activity relating to the message, and time to ask questions and reflect on the session. In addition, all leaders on camp are Christians and are available to answer questions that campers may have about the Christian faith.
Our camp speakers are predominantly from local churches and/or other Christian organisations and are chosen based on their ability to effectively communicate with the specific age group for the camp.
Given the breadth of different backgrounds of our campers, we aim for our sessions to be inclusive and sensitive to the demographics of each camp.
If you would like to find out more about our beliefs, you can check out our Statement of Faith here .
What expectations do you have of campers whilst on a Holiday Camp?
The majority of our expectations for campers whilst on our Holiday Camps are outlined in our Camper Code of Conduct which will be sent to Parents/Guardians before camp, with the expectation that will be communicated to campers.
That being said, our biggest expectation is that campers will engage with every aspect of camp, knowing that if they do they will have a great time doing it!
Can my child be in the same room as their friends?
On the camp application form, there is space to list a cabinmate. We do our very best to accommodate these requests. Sometimes, such as when too many people are ‘linked’ together in a friendship group, this may not be possible.
Campers are usually accommodated with others their own age and/or school year level and all sleeping accommodation is divided into boys rooms and girls rooms. If you have concerns about how this works for your camper, we would encourage you to contact the Camp Director before placing an application.
Please note: Unless requested otherwise, we usually put siblings in different cabin groups.
What if my child doesn't know anybody else on camp?
One of the best parts of camp is meeting new friends! One of the main focuses of our program is to build relationships among campers. Campers will be placed in groups and teams, which will allow them to develop bonds from day one, and our Leaders are trained to help foster these new friendships. Our goal is to make sure that camp is a welcoming place for all!
Are you equipped to have children with disabilities on camp?
Whilst we are not specifically equipped to have children with disabilities on camp, all of our campsites are equipped with the appropriate facilities.
All of our Holiday Camps run at an overall Leader to Camper ratio of about one to three, and Cabin Leaders may have between three and six campers in their cabin. Leaders need to be able to divide their time evenly between all their campers, and are unable to give one-to-one care for particular campers.
If you have any questions about whether a particular camp would be suitable for your camper, and the way that we can make that work, we would encourage you to get in contact with the Camp Director for that camp for a further conversation.
Who are the Staff and Volunteers on camp?
Alongside our incredible CYC Staff Team, all of our events are predominantly staffed by an incredibly passionate and dedicated group of volunteers, who are excited about spending a week of camp with your young person.
Our volunteers all come from local churches, with many of them also having previously been campers on our camps, and are passionate about giving young people and families an experience to remember on camp!
Our Volunteer leadership teams typically operate at a one-to-three ratio with campers, which means that not only are our campers supervised effectively, but they also have the opportunity to build relationships with some amazing role models.
All of our Volunteers engage in relevant training including child safety and role-specific training, and are supervised by one of our staff team who will be onsite at all times.
Can I visit or stay with my camper at camp?
One of the great things about young people being on camp camp is the sense of independence that it builds, as campers learn to engage in new activities and a new community outside of their normal home life.
Whilst we appreciate that Parents and Carers are always keen to ensure that their camper is enjoying their time on camp, generally speaking we do not allow Parents or Carers to visit during camp.
On top of the rigourous expectations that we have for any adult on site during camp, our observation is that whilst this may be done with the best intentions that it can often be unhelpful for both the camper involved, as well as potentially provide difficulties for other campers.
If you would like to check in with how your camper is doing on camp, you can contact the Camp Director for an update on the number or email provided. Alternatively, we would encourage you to check out our CYC Family Camps where the whole family can enjoy camp together!
What supervision is provided during camp?
In a general sense, our Holiday Camps operate on approximately a one-leader to three-camper ratio. Our Cabin Leaders will typically have between 4 - 6 campers directly in their care, and they are supported throughout camp by a number of volunteers filling other roles, as well as a First Aid person present on all camps.
It is our expectation that our leaders have direct supervision over all campers throughout the whole camp.
Do Leaders stay in the cabins with the campers?
Due to child safety requirements, our Cabin Leaders do not sleep in the cabin with campers and are accommodated separately from the campers in nearby or adjacent rooms.
As part of our bedtime routine, for both supervision and relationship-building time, Cabin Leaders will remain with their campers in their cabins until all campers are asleep. They will then return to get campers up for the day prior to breakfast the next morning.
Campers will all be made aware of which room their Cabin Leaders are staying in, and these leaders are available to them (if needed) throughout the night as well.
What should I bring to camp?
When you book into camp, you will be sent a ‘reply letter’ that has a list of items to remember to bring along to camp. Sometimes it is the most obvious things that people forget to bring along to camp (ie. extra shoes, towels).
You can find our general packing list for Holiday Camps here
Why do you require camp to be tech free?
Part of our Camper Code of Conduct, campers are unable to bring mobile phones or other electronic devices to camp. There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, we want to provide a safe place for everyone
Throughout camp as a whole, we have stringent policies and procedures in place to ensure that we are able to appropriately respond to any circumstance where a camper feels uncomfortable or safe. The unfortunate reality is that when it comes to the use of mobile phones, we are unable to respond to what we are unaware of. Whether it be photos being taken and shared that campers weren’t aware of, bullying over text messages, or access to inappropriate content can have a significant effect on your young person’s safety and camp experience. Prohibiting phones seeks to provide the safest environment for camp that we possibly can for all our campers as well as encouraging connection with camp as a whole.
Secondly, we aim to promote connection through disconnection
In our experience, one of the best ways for campers to get the most out of camp is through building great relationships with other people on camp. By removing the temptation of retreating to their mobile phones and social media accounts, campers are encouraged to form lasting and deeper connections with those around them, whilst at the same time being able to be free to be present on camp and in those relationships.
Thirdly, to avoid the risk of damage or loss
All care is taken for personal items not to be damaged on camp. However, given the activities undertaken on camp and the realities of sharing cabins with other young people, there is always the inherent risk of damage or loss of any item that has been brought to camp. This becomes particularly challenging given the expensive nature of mobile phones and similar devices.
Lastly, our deisre to partner with parents in creating the best camp experience possible
When it comes to campers and mobile phones, we understand that it may be difficult not only for the camper to give up access to their phone, but also a unique situation for parents who are used to being able to contact them whenever. Part of our commitment is to encourage parents to contact their campers through the Camp Director, and conversely, we also encourage campers that they are able to contact home the same way.
What happens if I need to change/cancel my booking?
If you need to change/cancel your booking speak to the Camp Director. If you are unsure who the Camp Director is you can contact us at
Holiday Camps Refund and Cancellation Policy
In the event that you need to cancel any applications you have made for a Holiday Camp, the following policy applies.
Up until 8 weeks from the start of camp - Transfer payment to another camp or full refund of any fees paid.
Up until 2 weeks from the start of camp - Transfer payment to another camp or full refund of any fees paid, minus the 20% deposit paid on application
Less than 2 weeks from the start of camp - No refund of any fees paid
In the event that a camper is sent home from camp due to illness, a partial refund may be available, in discussion with the Camp Director.
In the event that a camper is sent home from camp for behavioural reasons, no refund of any fees paid will be available. Any concerns or questions about refunds or cancellations should be directed to the appropriate Camp Director.
What if my child is sick and can't attend?
If your child is sick prior to the start of camp, please contact the Camp Director as soon as possible so that they can be aware.
If your child is sick prior to the start of camp, and will not be attending at all, you will receive back the total amount of camp fees already paid, minus the 20% deposit.
Please note: Campers and any siblings in the same household must be symptom-free of gastro for at least 48 hours before attending camp