Your guide to sending your camper to camp

Wondering if holiday camps could be right for your child? Read more about what you can expect from a CYC program.

Weighing up whether camp could be the right choice for a young person in your life isn’t always easy. Does their personality suit the ‘camp’ lifestyle? Will they connect with others if they don’t know anyone on camp? What benefits are there to sending them on a camp anyway?

Continue reading as we answer all these questions and more in our comprehensive guide to how sending a child on camp can boost their well-being.

To ask any questions about our upcoming holiday camp programs, contact CYC Ministries today.

Will My Child Enjoy Camp?

To this day, my parents are still surprised that I ended up falling in love with camp.

I was a fairly quiet kid, not too extroverted, and not all that outdoorsy. The idea of a week spent away from my family, running around outside, and trying to make friendships with a bunch of strangers didn’t exactly seem up my alley. It’s easy to assume that holiday camps are only for a specific kind of child – an extroverted, adventurous young person that finds it easy to jump into a new environment and thrive.

And yet, I loved camp. I ended up coming back season after season, because it turned out that camp had something for everyone. There were activities that I enjoyed and people that I clicked with, but there were also opportunities to step out of my comfort zone in a safe and supportive environment. I grew so much and developed so many key social skills by being on camp.

If there’s one thing I can say to parents worrying about whether camp is ‘right’ for their kids, it’s that there isn’t just one personality type that can benefit from a camp program – you never know how the young person in your life could respond to being on camp!

What a Young Person Learns From Camp

It’s one thing to say that I learned a lot from camp, but what exactly did I learn?

I’ll try to keep it relatively brief (I could go on and on!). For me, camp taught me how to build community. I found that all my anxiety around new people was easier to manage on camp, even though it required me to connect with a group of total strangers in just a few days. I was encouraged and welcomed, and as years went by I learned how to make other new campers feel just as comfortable.

On top of that, I learned so much about my personal strengths. Camp was a place where leaders and peers alike encouraged me, got me to step out of my comfort zone, and cheered me on. Plus, being on CYC camps was a key aspect of my faith development as a young person who wasn’t regularly attending church.

Finding Community

If you’ve never been to a camp before, it can be hard to wrap your head around how powerful the sense of community is. The temporary community created on camp exists only for a few days, but the relationships can continue far longer than that. By coming back to camp season after season, I had friendships that become some of the most meaningful relationships in my life. There are friends I made on that very first primary camp that I’m still close with today, as well as leaders who I had multiple times throughout the years who encouraged my ongoing growth.

A Breath of Fresh Air

If nothing else, camp is an opportunity for young people and families to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

CYC campers get to take a pause and reflect. By making our holiday camps tech-free, we give campers the chance to connect with those around them instead of staring at a screen. Young people and families alike can enjoy outdoor activities, opportunities for personal reflection, and a break from the busyness of school, work, and life. With five beautiful campsites and scenic surrounds, there’s no better place to refresh throughout the year.

Sign Up for Camp Today

Is there a young person in your life who could benefit from all these aspects of camp? Let’s make it happen!

Our CYC holiday camp and family camp programs can fill up fast, so it’s best to secure your spot as soon as you can. Click below to take a look at all our upcoming camps and events, or feel free to email if you need any help figuring out which of our camps could be right for you. We look forward to seeing you on camp!

Check out more great STORIES FROM CAMP at our blog here