A day in the life of camp
Curious about what a day spent on a school holiday camp is like? Continue reading to get a sneak peek at our camp programs.

While each of our camps is unique and may involve different activities throughout the day, all CYC Ministries holiday camps will include the same core elements. Continue reading to get a glimpse of what a typical day in the life of camp will look like.
To ask any other questions about holiday camps, contact CYC Ministries today.
Starting the Day Off Right
Depending on which CYC camp you attend, there are lots of differences in what the day might look like. However, regardless of which camp you’re attending, one thing will remain the same – we kick things off with breakfast!Days on camp are long and busy. The best way we can prepare campers for programs full of wild games and recreational activities is to ensure they have plenty of fuel. On top of breakfast, each of our campsites has experienced kitchen teams to supply lunch, dinner, and morning/afternoon snacks in between. Food on camp is plentiful, with more than enough to fill up everyone as needed! Our kitchen staff teams can cater for a wide variety of dietary restrictions and needs, ensuring that everyone on camp gets plenty of delicious food throughout the day.
Daily Session Times
Among all the games and adventures of camp, all our sites have time set aside every day for sessions. Our faith is at the core of everything we do at CYC, so these sessions are designed to engage campers in age-appropriate Christian input. This will typically include some songs and a brief talk by our guest speaker, who will be involved in church and/or other ministry work. Campers will then get to split off into their cabin groups to participate in discussions about what was shared, asking and answering questions about life and faith as facilitated by their leaders.
Games and Activities
Most of your time on camp is spent participating in a broad variety of games and activities across the campsite. You never know what you’re going to get on camp! It could be anything from a game of Capture the Flag to racing across foam-filled slip ‘n slides… anything is possible on camp!
Outside of creative programming and games, campers will also get the chance to make the most of the facilities available at their campsite. Each CYC camp has different activities and excursions available, depending on their location. Campers may get the opportunities to sail down a flying fox, head out on the lake in a canoe, scale a rock wall, and much, much more! Check out each of our different camp options to learn about the activities that may be included in the camp program.
There will often be periods of structured free time. This allows campers to spend some of their afternoons either utilising site activities or relaxing with their friends playing board games.
Evening Activities
We like to pack as much fun into a day of camp as possible. After dinner, all our camps will have evening programming suited to the ages of the campers. Some nights may be a bit more relaxed, perhaps with a trivia competition or movie, while others may have a bit more action. Campers will get to jump in on some last team games and competitions before wrapping up for the night. Lights out time will depend on whether its a primary camp or a teen camp – but everyone is sure to be tired after a long day of fun, so some rest will be much needed!
Unique Programming
Some elements of camp are completely unique to the individual campsite. We have five different holiday camp programs running at CYC Ministries, each with its own site and available activities. Between Forest Edge, Turbo, Impact, Three Sixty, and City Camps, there is bound to be a camp best suited to each camper. Some are tucked away in the lush green of rural Victoria, while others are just a short walk from beautiful beach shores. Each camp has different site facilities, programming, and unique traditions.Register Today to Secure a Spot on Camp
Do you think there’s a young person in your life who could benefit from the camp experience? Let’s sign them up!CYC camps can fill up quickly, so it’s best to sign up nice and early to secure your camper’s spot. We have camps located in different areas across Victoria. You can browse our full catalogue of upcoming camps below to learn more about the different camp options available. If you have any questions about our programs or which camp may be best suited for you, feel free to contact our friendly staff team.
Check out more great STORIES FROM CAMP at our blog here