CYC Camper Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations we have of all those involved on our Holiday or Leadership camps held at any CYC facility. By attending camp, campers have agreed to uphold this Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct is based on the following premises:
  • CYC camps and events are designed to be enjoyable and safe for all involved
  • CYC camps and events are designed as a place where all involved can explore Christian faith and values
  • CYC camps and events are designed for campers who want to be there
  • It is the responsibility of all involved to ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable and positive experience at a CYC camp or event

  • Structure of Camp Leadership:
    Whilst there are a number of different leadership roles across the different camps that we run, the roles that have particular oversight and care over Campers are:
  • Cabin Leaders are directly responsible for the campers on Holiday Camps
  • Cabin Co-ordinators are responsible for the oversight of Cabin Leaders and campers
  • Camp Directors are responsible for the overall organisation of camp and as a support to the Leadership Team
  • Campsite Staff facilitate and support the Leadership Team in the running of the camp

    Responsibilities of Camp Leadership:
    It is the responsibility of all Staff and Volunteers to provide an environment for all Campers in line with the following expectations:
  • Campers are able to participate in a safe, interesting and enjoyable program
  • Campers experience healthy, positive relationships with Staff, Volunteers and other Campers
  • Campers receive fair and just treatment and are treated with dignity and respect

  • Responsibilities of Campers:
    Campers are required to be responsible in the following ways:
  • To allow others to enjoy camp
  • To respect other people and their property
  • To respect the camp property and equipment
  • To respect and follow the camp rules and instructions from the Leaders
  • To understand and agree to the expectations of campers as listed below

  • Expectations of Campers:
    Because everyone has the right to feel safe and secure at all times on camp, it is important that the following expectations are understood and followed:

    Campers are expected to...Campers are expected not to...
    Treat everyone with respect and try to get along with everyone on camp Take part in any form of bullying, through teasing, physical violence or unduly rough play
    Speak politely, using positive and encouraging language Use offensive and/or abusive language, including swearing and put downs
    Participate in all aspects of camp and be where they’re meant to be at all times Skip activities, leave the campsite without supervision, use equipment without permission, or be in “out of bounds” areas
    Respect other people’s property Steal, borrow without asking, or in any way abuse/ damage another’s property
    Follow the guidance and instruction of their leaders Bring any inappropriate food or drink to camp*, including energy or soft drinks
    Engage in and enjoy the atmosphere and community of camp Bring items to camp* that take away from the atmosphere and community of camp. In particular any technology such as mobile phones, tablets, cellular smart watches
    Respect the safety of others, the laws of the land, and the values of the campsite Bring any dangerous or illegal items to camp*, such as pocket knives, firearms, fireworks, alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, non-prescription drugs etc.
    *Any confiscated items will be returned to parents/guardians at the end of camp, except in cases where it would be illegal to do so.

    Discipline Procedures:
    Given that campers understand the responsibilities and expectations as outlined above, it is important that they also understand the structure in place should these responsibilities and expectations be neglected/ignored. If a Camper’s behaviour on camp is inappropriate, they will first be warned that this is the case and given the opportunity to correct their behaviour. If this does not occur:
  • The camper may be required to sit out of an activity
  • The camper may be required to make a verbal and/or written apology
  • The camper may be required to have some “time out” away from other Campers
  • The camper may be required to complete an appropriate task in place of regular camp activities
  • The camper may submit to a loss of privileges
  • The camper may be required to meet with the Camp Director
  • The camper may be required to discuss their behaviour with their parent/guardian over the phone

  • If the camper fails to produce a change in behaviour, the Camper will be required to leave camp and the parents/guardian of the Camper will be contacted to arrange immediate transport home.

    Please note: Although in most cases, Campers will be given ample opportunity for their behaviour to be corrected, this is not always the case, especially where the Camper’s behaviour poses a risk to themselves or others.

    Dress Code:
    Throughout camp, Campers will engage in a wide range of site activities and games, and need to be dressed appropriately for this, including closed toes shoes for all games and activities, including water activities. As we are also committed to ensuring Campers stay Sun Smart, all Campers will be required to wear t-shirts that cover the shoulders during outside games and activities, as well as shorts and a coloured t-shirt or rash vest during all water activities. Campers should also ensure that that no clothing they wear could be considered offensive, particularly when it comes to inappropriate slogans or brands.

    If you have any questions about any of the items above or wish to discuss something regarding this, please contact your relevant Camp Director, or email us on